Our Story

It all started with a very sweet dog named Marley. Marley was the perfect Valentine's Day gift that I begged my husband for. He was born December 20th, 2008 and he came home on Valentine's Day. A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with a calm and zen peacefulness. Marley's daily routine was to help me with my son Sam, get to school and pick him up, and play in the afternoons. Bubbles was his favorite playtime activity with my son and then years later with my daughter, Sadie.
I learned a lot about nutrition for myself going through two pregnancies and was feeding Marley raw food. As he continued to age I did more reading on dog nutrition especially to add things to his diet for longevity. I started home cooking for Marley to add ingredients to his diet that could help protect him from antioxidants and help his body against toxins that are unavoidable in this day and age where pesticides, toxins and chemicals are used even where our food is grown. And then I fell in love with my new favorite book the Forever Dog book by Rodney Habib and Dr Karen Shaw Becker. This is a must read for dog owners to discover the real reality of the dog food industry, vet corporate mentality and what is really effecting our dogs health.
Talking with my fellow dog lovers, I thought, why don't I try sharing what I have been doing and share my passion. It has become a passion and a hobby that I truly love. And that is when I started Marley's Wellness. I named it 'wellness' because when you read the definition of wellness it reads:
well·ness | ˈwelnəs | noun the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal: measures of a patient's progress toward wellness | a healthcare system focused on wellness, not sickness | [as modifier] : company health and wellness programs.
This was my goal, to keep our dogs in a state of wellness, being in good health, as an active goal.
Now as I have been working everyday in this great new company I created, I find new needs and more things that we need to work on besides nutrition but pest control and grooming that also needs to be safe and nontoxic. So Marley's Wellness is continuing to grow.

Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to Marley right before his 14th birthday. It was the hardest thing for our family. We are lucky to have added a new Cavalier puppy named Ginger Snap the year before who helped mend our broken hearts (can follow her on instagram @gingersnapcavalier). And then soon after Marley left us we adopted sweet Skyy girl who is 5 1/2 years old Cavalier (can follow her on instagram @sweet_skyy_girl). We continue to work hard everyday to make their lives healthy with great nutrition, safe and chemical free pest control and natural grooming products.
I hope you join our pack and follow us on this wellness journey for a better quality of life for our most loving friends, our dogs.
From our furry family to yours, Leslie
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/marleyswellness
Follow us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/marleys_wellness/