Marley the King Charles Cavalier

About Marley's Wellness

Welcome to Marley's Dog Heath & Wellness Boutique! This blog and boutique have been a new journey for me with one of my very special dogs, Marley. Marley is a King Charles Spaniel Cavalier whose birthday is December 20th, 2008. Yes, he will be turning 14 years old soon!  

I always had dogs growing up and when I went to college even got my first dog from my parents, Pup, an Australian Shepard, who protected me when I got my first apartment alone (at least that was what my dad was thinking) while going to Fine Art School at MICA. My sweet dog Pup was my best friend, being a young adult on my own, he was comforting to have when I was in my first apartment. He loved sticks, hiking, and hiking some more, and a "Yes, I can do another mile" companion. He was super fit at nine years old but when I came home from work one day, he was weak and lethargic. My husband and I took him to the vet to only to see him go off to a surgery he never made it to. He passed away before anything could be done. It broke my heart, and he was only 9 years old. I felt like I failed him for some reason. And I didn't get another dog until years later.

In 2006 I had my first child, Sam. It was so amazing becoming a mom, but I felt we both needed a playmate. So, in 2008 I started my research. I wasn't just getting a dog but on a mission for the right dog for our new family. I had met the cutest Cavalier and loved how mellow the pup was and did more research on the breed. That is when I met my good friend Ellen who is a King Charles Spaniel Cavalier breeder. We became good friends, and I was so happy when she placed Marley with me. Ellen was so knowledgeable about the breed, and she has taught me a new way of feeding my dog with raw food. She feeds all her dogs’ raw food, and it was a whole new thing for me to learn about. I was young with my dog Pup, and he ate only over processed kibble. It got me thinking and wondering what is the best food and nutritional treats that I can I give my new puppy. It was the beginning of this new wellness journey.

When the name Marley's Wellness came to mind for this blog and boutique, I looked up the word wellness in the dictionary and it reads: the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal. That is my goal, to provide and create a lifestyle, nutritional program and provide good health to my beloved furry friends. Marley's wellness is the goal. I had been reading many books about Cavaliers and then watched many programs about dogs, dog training and dogs as they have adapted to humans throughout history. But what really got me excited was reading the most up to date book The Forever Dog by Karen Shaw Becker and Rodney Habib when it was released in 2021. This book was everything I was looking for and confirmed many things I was reading all in one place.

I know we all have busy lives, and we are all pulled in many directions. I want to help in your dog’s wellness journey. This direction of a dog wellness blog and boutique in my life has been brought on by watching my sweet Marley age and taking my free time to learn how to make his quality life the best as he is aging. I want to share what I have learned and share with you my favorite things that have helped us. And that is how Marley's Wellness began but it doesn't stop here with what I have read yesterday but what I continue to learn everyday with new research. There are more active studies and research happening today so we can't stop learning and growing. Wellness is a goal, and we are here to continue working on that goal. I hope you join our pack and follow on a wellness journey with us for a better quality of life for our most loving friends, our dogs.

From our furry family to yours, Leslie

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